Monday, August 20, 2007

I still can't believe my eyes...I'm in Korea.

Greetings from Korea!

I just arrived to Korea last night it was a long and exhausting flight...the second flight made me so sick I had to break the "no-seat-belt" law and rush to the restroom to puke which got me a scolding from the flight attendant...but it didn't matter I don't think that all the things that came out of my mouth could of fit in that tiny bag they have on the back of the seat >.<

All in all, I think it was the worse flight experience of my life but I kinda knew it was gonna end up like this because I didn't have my dosage of Dromomeine >.< I felt sick even after I got to my friend's house...wait I kinda felt nauseous right now....(maybe it's psychological) I just didn't wanna feel tired when I got to Korea~~~ I wanted to enjoy my "first" impression of Korea....un-drugged and awake...little did I know I would end up enjoying Korea nauseous, hungry, and with a mad desire to go pee~

So what was my impression?

So much of it is exactly like Taiwan but so very unfamiliar as well. The same Vegas lights beaming at you on the streets, people walking, buses and taxis zooming by....but barely any motor bikes...the difference lies in the river that runs through there are a lot of bridges.

A lot of Korea is mountains and trees like Taiwan but they build a lot on them so lots of everyday I get around Korea is a day I'm glad that the Lord has given me functional legs that can carry me around in this country. Here in Korea there are things of the past right in the middle of things of the's very common...

I still can't believe that i'm here after at least two years of had always seemed so far off in my future~~now I'm sitting at Yonsei's study hall drafting out this blog post waiting on my Korean friend to finish studying for his study group coming up in a few hours....he has decided to take a short nap from his studying ^_^::

AHH after coming here i have realized how much i still have to learn i really feel that this year will pass by too quickly and before i know it i'll be back home in California...
maybe after a few months this "Disney-like" feeling will have left me and I'll start to see the dull side of Korea....but for now I just wanna soak up as much of it as possible and still it overwhelms me.

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